The process plays an important role in improving the quality of cooking and significant effect on the flavor of salmon.
Three methods;
Aging Salmon with salt
- The moisture in salmon evaporates and salmon flesh becomes hard due to dehydration by osmotic pressure.
- Sprinkle coarse salt on the surface of salmon fillet and keep at temperature of – 1 /2 and refrigerator for 20 – 30minutes then rinse with cold water.
Salmon with kelp
- Kelp adds a savory flavor.
- Glutamic acid and alginic acid from are absorbed into the salmon
- Soak salmon in kelp for 5-6hours for mild aging.
Salmon with vinegar
- Is used for the aging of fish, rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel and Nile perch(Mbuta). The acidity in vinegar lowers the PH of salmon skin, preventing bacteria and going rancid.
- Vinegar prevents the penetration of oxygen and preventing bacteria growth.
Very Informative and educative article.